1) Which of these men are not one of Jacob’s sons? a) Judah b) Joseph c) Isaac d) Matthew e) Benjamin f) Esau 2) How was Joseph able to be strong? a) He exercised and played sports b) He ate healthy food c) He had God’s help 3) God can redeem the past. What does redeem mean? a) Makes good b) Forgets c) Remembers 4) How many of God's promises does He keep? a) Only those when you are good b) Some depending on the day c) All of them d) None of them 5) What blessings were given to Judah? a) Scepter & rulers staff b) Power like a lion c) Kingship until the King comes d) Prosperity/wealth e) Great suffering f) Wanderer 6) Who is the forever king that would come from Judah's family? a) Caligula b) Pharaoh c) Jesus d) King Kong 7) How is Jesus Christ described in the Bible? a) The Lion, King over all b) From family line of Judah c) Liar and trickster d) Sinless, defeated death e) Lamb of God f) Scepter to rule earth 8) God's promises will be fulfilled for His glory. What does this mean? a) Nothing can stop God's plan b) All is hopeless c) God keeps his promises d) Glory = importance, greatness, honor e) Promises are of no value 9) What are some promises for God's children? a) Adoption into his family b) Strength and power c) A way of escape from temptation d) Wisdom e) What else?

Genesis 49:1-28 BSF



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