See you... w przyszłym tygodniu - See you next week!, See you... w szkole - See you at school!, See you... o 17:00 - See you at 5 o ' clock !, See you... jutro po treningu! - See you after the training!, We've already...byliśmy na plaży - We've already been to the beach, We've already...kupić pamiątki - We've already bought souvenirs, We've already...widzieć Big Bena - We've already seen Big Ben, We've already...jeść tradycyjną francuską kolację - We've already eaten a traditional french supper, I have to finish my email now because...nauczycielka powiedziała mi żeby skończyć - I have to finish my email now because the teacher told me to finish, I have to finish my email now because... moja mama jest głodna - I have to finish my email now because my mom is hungry, I have to finish my email now because... mój ulubiony serial się zaczyna - I have to finish my email now because my favourite tv show is starting,

Writing part 3 - egzamin osmoklasisty


Kaksipuoleiset kortit on avoin malli. Se ei luo tulostaululle pisteitä.

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