1) I'll go food shopping on Saturday. 2) Beth gewch chi i ginio yfory? 3) He'll take the children to the park. 4) Gewch chi gwrw heno? 5) She won't go swimming after work. 6) Beth wnewch chi ar ôl y dosbarth? 7) We'll go to the cinema to see the new film next week. 8) Wnewch chi'r smwddio cyn y penwythnos? 9) They'll go for a walk in the countryside. 10) Faint o'r gloch ewch chi i'r gwely heno? 11) I won't have anything. 12) Ble ewch chi cyn y dosbarth nesaf? 13) Beth gei di i frecwast ddydd Sul? 14) Faint o'r gloch wnewch chi ddechrau'r gwaith yfory? 15) Beth gewch chi i yfed nos Sadwrn. 16) Sut dewch chi i'r dosbarth pan fydd hi'n braf? 17) She'll make lots of new friends in school. 18) He'll have porridge. 19) Beth wnewch chi nos Lun? 20) She'll have fish for supper tonight. 21) I'll have toast and honey for breakfast tomorrow. 22) You're not coming to the party on Friday night. 23) They won't have cake for tea. 24) I won't do anything! 25) Beth gewch chi i yfed? 26) Wnewch chi eich gwaith cartref yr wythnos 'ma? 27) I'll come to class with you. 28) Ewch chi i'r Sadwrn Seiber nesaf? 29) He'll come over after work. 30) Pryd gewch chi amser coffi yn y wers? 31) She'll come back afterwards. 32) She won't do anything. 33) We'll come home early. 34) Pryd ewch chi ar wyliau nesaf? 35) They'll come over on Sunday. 36) Wnewch chi i'r gwely yn hwyr dros y Sul? 37) We didn't do anything. 38) Faint o'r gloch ewch chi i'r gwely heno? 39) They'll make the dinner. 40) Ewch chi i'r dafarn ddydd Iau? 41) He'll make the beds. 42) Pryd ewch chi i siopa bwyd nesaf? 43) She'll do the dishes. 44) We'll do the shopping. 45) What will you do next? 46) Ble ewch chi yfory? 47) Beth wnewch chi yfory? 48) Beth wnewch chi goginio dydd Sul? 49) Beth wnewch y teulu dros yr Haf? 50) Wnewch chi gwrdd â ffrindiau dros y Sul?

Sylfaen, Uned 12 Dyfodol Cryno Afreolaidd - adolygu cael, gwneud, mynd, dod


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