1) Dan: What's the new girl's name? Lily: ___ a) It's Sally Love.  b) No, Pat's 10 now.  c) Lily can't come. 2) Dan: What's she like? Lily: ___ a) She likes chocolate.  b) It's her new tablet. c) She's really nice. 3) Dan: Has she got any brothers? Lily: ___ a) Only one, I think.  b) She never does that. c) No, it's Charlie. 4) Dan: Tell me about her. Lily: ____ a) Some really loud music!  b) She's good at sport!  c) It's my paper, not hers! 5) Dan: What's she good at in class?  Lily: ___ a) Yes, she thinks it's great.  b) She can spell long words.  c) It's better than this lesson. 6) Dan: Shall I invite her to my party? Lily: __ a) So do I!  b) Good idea!  c) Here you are! 7) Dan: What's her phone number? Lily: __ a) Yes, she's in class 13.  b) Her phone's really great.  c) I don't know, but I can ask her.

FM 10D Dan and Lily are talking on the phone about a new person in their street.



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