1) 31. These are her … a) fingers b) toes c) legs d) hands 2) 32. This is her … a) forehead b) nose c) chin d) mouth 3) 33. These are her … a) arms b) shoulders c) toes d) fingers 4) 34. This is her … a) neck b) stomach c) lips d) mouth 5) 35. These are her … a) freckles b) moles c) scars d) spots 6) 36. This is her … a) ear b) chin c) cheek d) teeth 7) 37. This is her … a) hairs b) hair c) fringe d) knot 8) 38. This is her … a) eye b) ear c) cheek d) lip 9) 39. This is her … a) back b) shoulder c) elbow d) knee 10) 40. This is her … a) back b) shoulder c) elbow d) knee

Look at the girl and name the parts of her body.


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