1) Where was Daniel thrown into when he was caught by the officials? a) Spiders b) Crocodiles c) Lions d) Snakes 2) When Daniel was in the lions den, he felt _________ as he ___________ in God. a) scared, trust b) peace, lean c) sad, trust d) peace, believe 3) We should be ___________ and know that He is God. a) peaceful b) still c) trustworthy d) holy 4) A good tree bears good______________. a) toys b) love c) fruit d) things 5) A good tree will produce: - a) love b) kindness c) peace d) all of the above 6) A bad tree will produce the below EXCEPT:- a) sadness b) chaos c) love d) wickedness 7) Which of the following is not fruits of the Holy Spirit a) Love b) Joy c) Laughter d) Peace 8) Our joy comes from __________ and _______________. * Choose 2 answers* a) knowing Jesus loves us b) knowing Jesus cares for us c) knowing Jesus will have dinner with us d) knowing Jesus will teach us how to swim 9) We can have a relationship with Jesus by... ... a) reading the Bible b) praying (spending time) to Jesus c) praising Jesus d) all of the above 10) From the lesson we learned that; LOVE requires actions, ______________, & _______________. a) Father & Mother b) Patient & Kindness c) Time & Effort d) Joy & Peace 11) How did Jesus show love? a) He walked far to visit them. b) Talk to them c) Feed them d) All of the above 12) The Bible says that, everyday Jesus wakes up early in the morning to ... ... a) Bath b) Spend time with His Father in heaven c) Cook breakfast for his disciples d) To catch the sunrise

Cell Revision, 4th July


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