1) The dog … near the fire. a) sleep  b) is sleeping c) doesn’t sleep d) sleeps 2) The boy … play chess a) can  b) could c) cans d) was able to 3) He … gets up early in the morning. a) usually b) often c) seldom d) as usually 4) My mother … in our family. a) cooks b) cooks meals c) do meals d) is the cook 5) I’m fond of gardening so I like … flowers. a) planting b) weeding c) sledding d) watering 6) There are … apples on the ground a) much b) many  c) a lot of d) few 7) The boy … English and French a) know b) knows c) speaks d) can speak 8) Where is my book? Oh, it’s … the table. a) on b) in c) under d) on top of 9) Whose pen is it? It’s … . a) mine b) my c) hers d) Ann’s 10) My friend has a sweet tooth. She eats a lot of … . a) biscuits b) candies c) honey d) ham

Find the variant which is NOT correct


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