How much do you need to pay to visit the art gallery in your country?    , Do you have any art work on the walls in your home in your country or in your homestay? Describe what you remember about them. Why do you like /do not like that art work? , When you visit another city, do you go to art galleries? If yes, tell us about your last visit.  If no, give 3 reasons why you don’t.   , What's the most famous art museum you've ever been to?  What were your favourite art works there? , What's your most creative pastime? For example, do you like to paint, draw, or take photographs? Give details of where, when, how often, how long, how well.  , What's a famous building in your country? Why is it famous?  , If you were super rich, will you buy art works? What is the maximum amount of money you would pay for an art work?, What kind of music do you enjoy?, Why is music so important to people and culture?, Do you know any famous New Zealand musicians/artists?, Do you have a favourite musician or artist from your home country?, Do you enjoy going to concerts of music festivals?.



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