Hogwart is ____ than our school. (big) Neville is the ____ among the boys meanwhile, Ron is ____ than Harry. (tall) My English teacher is ____ than Professor Dolores. (nice) Harry once said "Believing in yourself is ____ than working hard" (important) "Expelliarmus" and "Stunning" are some of the ____ spells but the latter one is the ____ in a wizard's arsenal. (popular, useful) Harry is the ____ wizard in the Room of Requirement (good) Ron is supposed to be ____ than Hermione but he lets her win on purpose. (strong) Professor Dolores is the ____ favourite teacher to ever exist. (little) Nigel is the ____ wizard but he is almost as ____ as his other colleagues. (young, powerful) Every ____ wizard starts from nothing more than just a student. (great)

Adjectives with Harry Potter



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