1) In which country did the Olympics originate? a) Greece b) India c) Brazil d) Italy 2) The first Olympic games in Greece were held how often? a) Every 4 years b) Every 2 years c) Every year d) Every 6 years 3) The first modern Olympics were held in what year? a) 1901 b) 1896 c) 1889 d) 1910 4) Where were the first modern Olympic Games held? a) Rome, Italy b) London, England c) New York, USA d) Athens, Greece 5) Who is credited with starting the modern Olympic games? a) Victor Del A Von b) Huges M. York c) Baron Pierre de Coubertin d) Visc. Lang De Ton 6) What is the official motto for the Olympics? a) “Citius, Altius, Fortius” b) "Igualité, Liberté, Fraternité"  c) "Cibus, Domus, Atrius" 7) What does “Citius, Altius, Fortius” mean in English? a) "Stronger, Fuller, Quiest" b) “Faster, Higher, Stronger” c) "Smarter, Taller, Stronger" 8) What colors are the Olympic rings? a) Blue, yellow, black, green and red b) Blue, yellow, black, green and white c) Blue, gold, black, green and red d) Blue, yellow, black, green and brown 9) The Olympic torch is a tribute to the fire that burned throughout the ancient Greek Olympic games honoring which goddess? a) Hestia b) Zeus c) Apollo d) Poseidon 10) What do the Olympic rings represent? a) The continentes b) The values c) The rights d) The people 11) Where was the first winter Olympics held? a) Viena, Italy b) Edinburgh, England c) Ohio, Canada d) Chamonix, France 12) What prize was given to winners of the Olympics in ancient Greece? a) Olive branch crown b) Golden crown c) Silver and gold medals d) A dozen of cows 13) Which country has hosted the most Olympic Games? a) Greece b) Italy c) The USA d) Brazil 14) The Olympic Torch is lit where each year? a) Olympia, Greece b) Rome, Italy c) Athenas, Greece d) Cataluña, Spain 15) The Olympics were first held to honor which Greek god? a) Olympia b) Athenas c) Zeus d) Apollo 16) How many events were held at the first modern Olympics? a) 43 b) 56 c) 23 d) 65 17) How many nations participated in the first modern Olympics? a) 20 b) 13 c) 7 d) 30 18) Which four years have seen the Olympics canceled? a) 1916, 1920, 1944 and 2020 b) 1914, 1940, 1944 and 2020 c) 1916, 1940, 1945 and 2020 d) 1916, 1940, 1944 and 2020 19) When were women first permitted to compete in the Olympics? a) 1880 b) 1870 c) 1900 d) 1920 20) When did snowboarding make its Olympic debut? a) 1998 b) 1990 c) 1989 d) 1996 21) Triathlon and taekwondo were added to the Olympics in what year? a) 2000 b) 1996 c) 1992 d) 1988 22) The Olympic Games could be viewed on mobile devices for the first time in which year? a) 2002 b) 2006 c) 1998 d) 1996 23) Zimbabwe participated in the Winter Olympics for the first time in which year? a) 2014 b) 2010 c) 2006 d) 2000 24) Which was the largest city to ever host the Winter Olympics? a) Turin, Italy b) Vancouver, Canada c) Stockholm, Sweden d) Edinburgh, England 25) Table tennis made its Olympic debut in which year? a) 1988 b) 1992 c) 2000 d) 2004 26) How many grams of gold are in Olympic gold medals? a) Nine grams b) Eight grams c) Four grams d) Six grams 27) Which new sports will debut at the 2021 Olympic Games in Tokyo? a) Surfing, boxing, sport climbing and karate b) Skatebording, Bow and arrow, surfing and karate c) Surfing, sport climbing, bow and arrow and pingpong d) Skateboarding, surfing, sport climbing and karate 28) What device was used to light the Barcelona cauldron with airborne fire in 1992? a) Slingshot b) Bow and arrow c) Javelin d) Racing pigeon 29) Usain Bolt’s 100 metres gold in Beijing 2008 was hampered by what? a) A bad night’s sleep b) An untied shoelace c) A mid-race hamstring cramp d) Deep existential angst about the pointlessness of running fast in a straight line for the hollow applause of the masses 30) Which country's group of athletes occupy the last tier during the Parade of Nations at the inauguration ceremony? a) The host country b) The winner country c) The special country d) The richest country 31) In which country did the first Special Olympics happen? a) United States b) England c) France d) Swiss 32) How old is the youngest-ever recorded athlete to participate in the Olympics? a) 10 years old b) 12 years old c) 15 years old d) 17 years old 33) Which sport is making a comeback this year after being pulled from the 2012 and 2016 Olympic Games? a) Rugby b) Baseball c) Soft ball d) Paddel 34) Where will the 2024 Olympics be held? a) Paris b) London c) Seoul d) Rio de Janeiro 35) Athletes at the ancient Olympics in Greece competed nude a) True b) False 36) Literature was an event at the 1912 Olympic Games in Stockholm a) True b) False


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