Bird is talking on the phone, Player is hitting the ball with a broomstick (bat), The pig is among the spectators. The pig is watching the game., The man is standing on his head., The ball for bowling is in the box for baseball balls., A horse is playing baseball., One of the players is movning the lawn., The baseball ball has square shape., The coach is wearing a funny hat., He is wearing the cap on the wrong side., The base is a crosses and noughts board., The player is riding a bike on the pitch., A cow is eating grass on the pitch., This glove is not for baseball, it`s for the kitchen., An elephant is playing baseball., A man is watching the game sitting backwards., A hot-dogs stall is on the pitch., The player is standing on a pile of hay., A player is having a swim in a swimming pool., The ball for the beach is in the game., One player is playing the trumpet., One player is sleeping., A dog is running after a player., The bat has a doughnut on it..
What`s wrong sports
whats wrong baseball game
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