If you can afford something  - you have enough money to pay for it, A bargain is.. - something you buy for a very good price, if something is worth it  - it is important, good, useful even if it's difficult to get, if you borrow something  - you use something of someone else and give it back , a brand is  - the name of the company that makes the product, what something costs is - the amount of money you have to pay for it, a discount is.. - an amount of money taken off the usual price, if you lend something - you give something to someone to use for a short time, the sales are - a period when the stores sell the products for a lower price, if you save up for something  - you keep your money until you have enough to buy it, if you shop online  - you buy things on the internet, if you waste money  - you spend more money than necessary,

Teens 3 unit 3



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