´What - is your name?´´My name is Melina.´, ´Who - is that man?´´He is my father.´, ´How - are you?´´Fine, thanks.´, ´Where - are you from?´`I´m from Brazil.`, ´What time - is it now?´´It´s 6 o´clock.´, ´How old - are you?´`I´m eleven.´, ´ What color - is your bike?´´It´s red.`, ´How many - cokes?´´Five, please!`, ´How much - is this game?´´It´s $12,85.´, `Why - are you happy?´`Because of my birthday!´, ´When - is your birthday?´`In September.`, ´Whose - pen is this?´´It´s my pen`,

Interrogative pronouns.


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