1) Three heat zones of earth are - __________, temperate, frigid zone a) torridtrue b) north temperate c) south frigid 2) The_____ zone beyond the arctic circle and Antarctic circle a) Frigid zone b) torid zone 3) The ________ zone located between the tropic of cancer and tropic of Capricorn a) Torrid b) temperate c) frigid zone 4) What is the zone lying between the Arctic Circle and the North Pole and between the Antarctic Circle and the South Pole a) Torrid zone  b) frigid zone c) temperate zone 5) Some important ____________ help us to divide the earth into three heat zones a) meridians b) parallels 6) Which of the following statements is TRUE about the Torrid Zone? a) It is located around the Equator b) it experiences hot climate throughout the year c) It receives vertical sunrays d) All of the above 7) Which zone is shaded with red color? a) Torrid Zone b) North temperate zone c) South temperate zone 8) What is IST? a) Indian standard time b) Indian state time c) International standard time 9) When the time is 12 noon at 0° longitude, the time at 30°E longitude will be a) 10 am b) 10 pm  c) 2 pm 10) The tropic of Capricorn is located at ____  a) 23 ½° S b) 23 ½° N c) 66 ½° S 11) A democratic government is a government _____ the people, _____ the people and _____ the people a) on, by, for b) for, by, of c) by, in, for 12) All the citizens of India who above 18 yrs of age can cast their vote. This is based on ________ ________ ________ a) Universal adult franchise b) Unicameral adult franchise c) Unity adult franchise 13) The first school of a child is _____________ a) family b) school c) community 14) Introduction to Indian constitution is known as _____________ a) Preamble b) Pledge of Allegiance c) Law 15) Name some social evils of the society a) Untouchability b) Women education c) Unity in diversity 16) Map showing distribution population of India is an example of ___________ map a) Thematic b) Physical c) Political 17) Name the device consisting of magnetic needle which always points towards north a) Compass b) Ruler c) Protractor 18) Book of maps is known as - a) Atlas b) Dictionary c) Encyclopedia 19) In India, the government is elected for a period of __________ a) 4 yrs b) 5 yrs c) 6 yrs 20) Who is known as father of "map-making"? a) Ptolemy b) Porus c) Alexander



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