1) John didn't finish his homework. a) Neither don't I. b) Neither do I. c) Neither did I. d) Neither didn't I. 2) Kate kept a journal when she was a teenager. a) So did I. b) So do I. c) So was I. d) So am I. 3) The baby hasn't woken up yet. a) Neither don't they. b) Neither do they. c) Neither haven't they. d) Neither have they. 4) Janet is studying. a) So do I. b) I do too. c) So am I. d) I was too. 5) She can go bungee jumping. a) So can I. b) Neither can I. c) So do I. d) Neither do I. 6) My friends haven't gone out to eat recently. a) Neither haven't we. b) Neither don't we. c) Neither have we. d) Neither do we. 7) The boy is afraid of spiders. a) So do I. b) So was I. c) So did I. d) So am I. 8) The kids went to the beach last weekend. a) We do too. b) We are too. c) So were we. d) So did we. 9) We won't travel next vacations. a) Neither won't he. b) Neither will he. c) He didn't either. d) He doesn't either. 10) He hasn't read his book yet. a) Neither have they. b) Neither haven't I. c) Neitherdo I. d) Neither don't I.

So / neither - 9th grade



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