1) Kaleidoscope use .................of light to produce symmetrical patterns. a) Refraction b) Total internal refraction c) Reflection d) Dispersion  2) Diagram shows reflection occur from a ................... a) Plane mirror b) Polished tile c) Sand paper d) Glass slide 3) Phenomena shown is , a) Refraction of light b) Total internal reflection c) Lateral inversion d) Dispersion of light 4) Not a feature of an image formed by a plane mirror is , , a) Size of image and object are equal b) Distance from mirror to object = distance from mirror to object c) Real d) Lateral inversion 5) Identify . a) Kaleidoscope b) Obtaining multiple images c) Periscope d) Obtaining virtual real images 6) Image is, a) Magnified b) Inverted c) Real d) Virtual 7) This phenomena is, a) Reflection of light b) Deflection of light c) Dispersion of light d) Total internal reflection  8) Refraction always occur through , a) Polished objects b) Glass prisms c) Transparent mediums d) Air 9) Not an example for refraction a) Rainbow b) Mirage c) Apperant height d) Symmetrical patterns 10) Causes by a) Total internal reflection b) Reflection of light rays from water to air c) Refraction of light rays from air to water d) Refraction of light rays from water to air 11) Speed of light in a dense medium is , a) High b) Low c) Medium d) Cannot predict 12) Best way to explain this phenomena is a) Refraction of light b) Total internal reflection c) Light dispersion 13) Water>Air>Glass, respective density of mediums, a) True b) False c) Cannot predict d) Depends 14) Not a laboratory instrument using reflection of light is, a) Microscope b) Concave mirror c) Glass prism d) Convex mirror 15) Vision is occurred by , a) Reflection b) Refraction  c) Dispersion

Grade 9 - Behaviour of light by Ushanthi Rathnayake .


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