1) mùa gặt a) harvest time b) sleep soundly c) hay d) nomad 2) chở a) load b) cattle c) camel d) paddy field 3) xe kéo a) cart b) electrical appliance c) ger d) cattle 4) chăn dắt a) herd b) hay c) electrical appliance d) harvest time 5) phơi thóc a) dry the rice b) ger c) nomadic d) cart 6) đồng lúa a) load b) beehive c) paddy field d) ger 7) mùa vụ a) crop b) sleep soundly c) hay d) paddy field 8) cỏ khô a) paddy field b) hay c) grassland d) sleep soundly 9) động vật hoang dã a) hole b) nomadic c) wild animals d) opportunity 10) hoa dại  a) wild flowers b) vast c) camel d) grassland 11) hố a) electrical appliance b) crop c) wild animals d) hole 12) lạc đà a) harvest time b) camel c) sleep soundly d) highland 13) gia súc a) wild animals b) load c) cattle d) disturb 14) tổ ong a) beehive b) load c) crop d) cart 15) làm phiền a) disturb b) cart c) paddy field d) crop 16) đồng cỏ a) grassland b) beehive c) harvest time d) vast 17) thiết bị điện a) electrical appliance b) cattle c) highland d) nomad 18) lều của người dân du mục a) vast b) wild flowers c) ger d) harvest time 19) dân du mục a) nomad b) wild animals c) dry the rice d) cart 20) thuộc về du mục a) dry the rice b) wild animals c) cart d) nomadic 21) rộng lớn a) paddy field b) vast c) highland d) harvest time 22) cao nguyên a) highland b) nomad c) wild animals d) herd 23) cơ hội a) beehive b) opportunity c) hole d) electrical appliance 24) ngủ ngon a) herd b) sleep soundly c) paddy field d) cattle

English 8 Unit 2 - quiz


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