1) よろしく おねがいします。 a) One moment please. b) Excuse me. c) Keep trying.  d) Please look after me. 2) がんばって ください。 a) Excuse me. b) You're welcome. c) Keep trying. d) Please look after me. 3) そう です か。 a) Please look after me. b) Is that so? c) Keep trying. d) Excuse me. 4) やった! a) Yay! b) Thank you very much! c) Are you OK? d) Keep trying! 5) ありがとうございます。 a) Keep trying. b) You're welcome. c) Is it OK? d) Thank you very much. 6) なるほど。 a) I understand. b) Yay. c) Thank you very much. d) Is it OK? 7) どういたしまして。 a) Is that so? b) Nice to meet you. c) You're welcome. d) Excuse me. 8) だいじょうぶ です か。 a) Is it OK? b) Nice to meet you. c) Please look after me. d) I love you. 9) できました! a) Nice to meet you! b) You're welcome! c) You did it! d) I understand! 10) しつれい しました。 a) One moment please. b) Excuse me. c) Yay. d) Is that so? 11) ちょっと まって ください。 a) Nice to meet you. b) Is it OK? c) Keep trying. d) One moment please.

Daruma Wants a Wish Expressions


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