1) What is the structure of the future simple affirmative❔ a) Will + verb + complement + pronoun b) Pronoun + verb + complement c) Won´t + verb + complement d) Pronoun + will + verb + complement  2) The time we are practicing is ❔ a) Future continuous b) Future (will) c) Present simple  d) Future (going to) 3) What pronouns are used with will❔ a) It, We, They b) I c) I, You, He, She, It, We, They d) I, You, He, It, We, They 4) What is the structure of the future simple negative❔ a) Pronoun + will + verb + complement b) Will not + verb + complement c) Won´t + verb + complement d) Pronoun + won't + verb + complement 5) Select the sentence future affirmative correct  a) I´ll swim in the river b) I will swam in the river c) I will not swim in the river d) I swim in the river 6) For what do we use will ❔ a) To talk about the past b) To talk about something that is happening c) To make predictions in the future d) To talk about something that has already happened 7) What is the structure of the future simple interrogative❔ a) Complement + will + pronoun + verb b) Will + pronoun + verb + complement c) Will + pronoun d) Won´t + pronoun + verb + complement 8) What is the question to this answer: Yes, I´ll study tomorrow.  a) Will you go to the cinema the weekend? b) You studied yesterday? c) You won´t study tomorrow? d) Will you study tomorrow?



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