1) She .... letters all morning and hasn't finished yet. a) has written b) has been writing c) have been writing 2) I ... two films today. a) have been watching b) have watched c) watched 3) We ... English for eight years already. a) has been learning b) have been learning c) have learnt 4) I've ... to call her all morning. a) tried b) been trying c) have been trying 5) How long have you ..., Mr Brown? a) been waiting b) been waited c) been 6) We've ... up the Christmas decorations. Are you going to help? a) putting b) been putting c) put 7) ....have you been working at this company? a) When b) How long c) How long ago 8) I have made some progress ... a) recently b) for a long time c) since 9) John has been saving money ... a year already. a) since b) for c) for a long time 10) She has been cleaning ... a) already b) for c) all morning

Present Perfect vs Present Perfect Continuous



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