mosque, Moscow, mosque, Moscow, I saw a cow in Moscow!, Can cows enter mosques?, mosquito, I once saw a mosquito in a mosque., theme park, two theme parks, We went to a theme park., Roller-coaster, The theme park has two roller-coasters., ca-the-dral, spec-ta-cu-lar, La Sagrada Familia is a spectacular cathedral in Barcelona., harbour, a ship in the harbour, you can leave your boat in the harbour, ruins, The Acropolis is actually a lot of ruins., These ruins tell a story., Don't ruin my day by pronouncing "ruins" wrong! ;) , statue, Statue of Liberty in NY, Lithuanina (Litva), Latvia (Lotyšsko), the Netherlands (=Holland), Keep your keys in your pocket in Turkey., Is a painting a good souvenir?, forgotten, backpacking, lounge, departure lounge, 1st class lounge, foreign affairs, ministry of foreign affairs.


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