1) English ... by 3.5 billion people all over the word.  a) speak b) spoke c) is spoken 2) The Mona Lisa ... by Leonardo da Vinci. a) paint b) painted c) was painted 3) The Eiffel Tower ... in 1889.  a) build b) built c) was built 4) Harry Potter ... by J.K. Rowling.  a) write b) wrote c) was written 5) This pencil ... in Germany. a) makes b) made c) is made 6) The first telephone ... by Alexander Graham Bell. a) was invented b) were invented c) is invented 7) Facebook ... by Mark Zuckerberg in 2004. a) is created b) was created c) created 8) This notebook ............... in Japan. a) is made b) is make c) made 9) The Tokyo Olympic Games ............. on TV. a) was watched b) were watched c) is watched


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