1) There's ... in our garden! a) anyone b) somewhere c) someone 2) We didn't go ... this weekend. a) anywhere b) nowhere c) no one 3) We went to a restaurant because Mum didn't want to cook ... . a) something b) nothing c) anything 4) ... told me about the party so I didn't go. a) Anyone b) No one c) Nowhere 5) Let's go ... special for your birthday. a) somewhere b) something c) anywhere 6) There was ... in the office. a) anyone b) no one c) somewhere 7) Today was boring because I didn't have ... to do. a) something b) nothing c) anything 8) I can't find my dog ... ! a) anywhere b) somewhere c) nowhere 9) The new student didn't know ... in this class. a) anyone b) someone c) no one 10) I didn't eat the soup because there was ... black in it! a) anything b) something c) nothing

some / any / no / every - compounds


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