1) In the sentence "The pack of wolves howled at the moon.", what type of noun is the bold word? a) Proper Noun b) Collective Noun c) Singular Noun 2) In the sentence "The Amazon is the largest river in the world.", what type of noun is the bold word? a) Collective Noun b) Common Noun c) Proper Noun 3) In the sentence "Honesty is the best policy.", what type of noun is the bold word? a) Abstract Noun b) Collective Noun c) Common Noun 4) In the sentence "The cat is known to be an independent animal.", what type of noun is the bold word? a) Common Noun b) Abstract Noun c) Proper Noun 5) In the sentence "She got a new haircut.", what type of noun is the bold word? a) Collective Noun b) Proper Noun c) Compound Noun 6) Which pronoun correctly replaces the bold noun in the following sentence? "Maria loves to read books." a) She b) He c) They d) It 7) Which pronoun correctly replaces the bold noun in the following sentence? "David made the cake by David." a) itself b) myself c) themselves d) himself 8) Choose the correct Interrogative Pronoun to complete the following sentence:  ______ did you do when the electricity failed? a) Who b) Whom c) What d) Which 9) Choose the correct Demonstrative Pronoun to complete the following sentence: The movie two weeks ago was worse. _____ was a nightmare. a) These b) That c) This d) Those 10) Choose the Possesive Pronoun to complete the following sentence: I have a pen. This pen is _____. a) mine b) yours c) hers d) ours

Quiz 01 - Nouns and Pronouns


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