What did you do this morning? , Talk about your life when you were a child. , What did you do last night? , Talk about the clothes you wore yesterday. , Talk about a time you traveled to another city., Talk about the last time you went shopping. , Who did you talk to just before class? , What did you do last weekend? , Talk about the last time you were angry. , How was life different 100 years ago? , Talk about a time you got hurt. , Were you a good student in high school? , Talk about something strange that happened to you. , Talk about the first time you made some money., Talk about a dream that you had. , Talk about something you ate yesterday. , Talk about a pet animal you had. , Talk about a time you saw something funny. , How was your life different 10 years ago? , When was the last time you did something exciting? , How was life different 1000 years ago? , Talk about a time when you were afraid. , Talk about a time you lost something. , Talk about a time you felt sad. , Talk about a time you found something. , Talk about some interesting news you saw on TV. , Talk about a time you spent a lot of money. , Talk about a time you traveled to another country..

Past Simple - Speaking (2)


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