1) A: Hi Carol, looking forward to ... holidays? B: Hi Nicky. Yes, great thanks. But next week, my brother's three kids are coming to stay! a) a b) the c) - 2) A: How old are they? B: Oh, ... same age as mine, between five and eight. a) the b) - c) a 3) If you ... any bright ideas to keep them busy, I'd be really grateful! a) 've got b) 'd got c) got 4) A: Don't worry! I'm ... crafts teacher a) - b) a c) the 5) so if I ... help, nobody can! a) can b) could c) can't 6) B: Great. So what would you do? Painting? A: Frankly, that's too messy! ... were you, a) If only b) Providing c) If 7) ... go for some sustainable design activities. B: Some what activities? a) I had b) I would c) I 8) A: Sorry! To be ..., it just means 'being creative with rubbish'! You know, like recycling old newspapers and boxes. a) blunt b) frank c) honest 9) B: Oh that! It's a fantastic idea. ... kids will love it. Where do I start? a) A b) The c) - 10) A: First, it'd be great if you ... get lots of empty plastic bottles and cereal boxes. a) 'll b) can c) could 11) ... they're clean, they'll be fine. a) Supposing b) Providing c) Unless 12) If you ... to the local recycling centre, you'll find loads. a) went b) 'd go c) go 13) B: Right. But what kind of ... things can we make? a) - b) the c) an 14) A: As a matter of fact, if you're free now, I ... show you a few things you can do with an egg box! B: Right, let's go for it... a) might b) 'd c) 'll

SpeakOut Upper-Inter. Grammar 5


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