I haven’t got a house with a swimming pool. I wish..., I can’t speak five languages. I wish..., I have to start work at 6 a.m. I wish..., I haven’t got a cottage in the country. I wish..., I can’t get to sleep at night. I wish..., I have to work six days a week. I wish..., I haven’t got a boat. I wish..., I’m not a professional tennis player. I wish..., I have to drive 100 km to work every day. I wish..., I haven’t got a million dollars. I wish..., I’m not tall enough. I wish..., I don’t live in New York. I wish..., I can’t play the piano. I wish..., I have to cook for my family every day. I wish..., I’m not a famous actor/actress. I wish..., I haven’t got a Ferrari. I wish..., I can’t go to the moon. I wish..., I haven’t got a helicopter. I wish..., I’m not swimming with dolphins now. I wish..., I have to cook pancakes for my boss every morning. I wish....

Wishes (F2F)



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