1) I need to eat something. I’m _____________ to wait for lunch! a) hungry b) too hungry c) hungry enough 2) We don’t need to drive to the mall. It’s _____________ for us to walk. a) not near enough b) too near c) near enough 3) There was _____________ I wanted to buy in story, everything was ugly! a) nothing b) something c) anything 4) Don’t worry – this pie is _____________ for everyone to have some! a) too big b) big c) big enough 5) 5. There wasn’t _____________ at home when I got back from my trip yesterday. a) no-one b) anyone c) someone 6) Everyone _____ seen the trill of adventurous trips. a) have b) has 7) ______ example: The best sport is skiing. a) As b) For 8) Some sports _____ sometime be very dangerous. a) can b) have 9) The ______ dangerous sport in my opinion is skydiving. a) more b) most 10) It's exciting! I think that's ____ people enjoy dangerous sports. a) what b) why

Ket 2 final review



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