1) They ....... tennis. a) play b) plays 2) My dog...... dog food. a) eat b) eats 3) I ... my bike to school daily. a) ride b) rides 4) My brother ....... in the pool twice a week. a) swim b) swims 5) The baby ... every night a) cry b) cries 6) They ... English. a) study b) studies 7) We sometimes ... funny movies. a) watch b) watches 8) She ..... her bedroom every Friday. a) clean b) cleans 9) You ... in a big office. a) work b) works 10) You and I ... chocolate ice cream. a) like b) likes 11) She ... only water. a) drink b) drinks 12) Tal ... fruit in the supermarket once a week. a) buy b) buys 13) We sometimes ... at restaurants. a) eat b) eats 14) It ... in winter. a) rain b) rains 15) My sister...............a shower very day. a) takes b) take

Present Simple Affirmative 3


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