Aristocracy means - The people in the highest class of society, who usually have money, land, and power, Class refers to - A group of people sharing a similar social and economic position, A citizen is - An inhabitant of a state, city or town, Democracy means - A system of government in which everyone can vote and share in making decisions, Ekklesia is - Assembly of the Athenian citizen , Magistrates are - Those who are responsible for applying the laws , Strategoi are - Hose who led the army, The boule - Had to prepare every issue for the Ekklesia, The Helíaea is - A group of people given power to reach a decision, Exile means - To keep out; prevent from entering; to leave out, A plague is - A disease that spreads quickly, causing a high fever, and in the past usually death, Abolish means - To officially get rid of law, system, practice , Select by lot - To pick by random selection , Metics are - The many people from other parts of Greece who immigrated to the Athenian territory, A slaves is - A person who is legally owned by another for whom he or she has to work without freedom, pay, or rights, Pericles is - An Athenian statesman whose leadership contributed to Athens political and cultural supremacy in Greece; he ordered the construction of the Parthenon (died in 429 B.C.) , Institution refers to - A large important organization such as a university or bank , Power refers to - A position of control, esp. over the running of a country , Participation means - Sharing in the activities of a group , A judge is - A public official with authority to hear cases and pass sentences in a court of law , Elect means - To choose (someone) to fill a position by voting for him or her , Ban means - To prohibit or forbid officially , Government is - The sistem by which a country or state is ruled, Affairs refer to - Personal or business interests or matters of public interest , Issues are - Topics of interest or discussion or an important subject needing a decision, A jury is - A court of law with judges elected by the Ekklesia, Property means - Something owned; a possession , Rights are - Freedoms or powers that are morally or legally due to a person, Exclude means - A prolonged, usually enforced absence from one’s country ,
HISTORY CLIL - Onorato, Algiati, Della Torre, Perondi
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