1) When I lived in Japan I _______ eat sushi every day. a) used to  b) used to OR would 2) When my dad was a teenager, he _________ love heavy metal music, now it’s too loud for him. a) used to b) used to OR would 3) My mother ______read me amazing stories every night at bedtime. a) used to b) used to OR would 4) I ________ play the guitar pretty well, but now I'm not very good at it. a) used to b) used to OR would  5) When I was at primary school we ________ play a lot in the playground. a) used to b) used to / would 6) We _____ have a bigger house before we moved to Moscow.  a) used to b) used to / would 7) When I was a kid, I ______ like olives. a) didn't use to b) didn't use to / wouldn't 8) My dad _______ smoke at college.  a) didn't use to  b) didn't use to / wouldn't


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