竞争 - jìng zhēng to compete; competition, 压力 - yā lì - pressure, stress, 相同 - xiāng tóng - the same, 顾客 - gù kè - customer, 符合 - fú hé - to conform, comply with, in accordance with, 计划 - jì huà - plan, 专门 - zhuān mén - specialized, 材料 - cáiliào - material, 不仅 - bù jǐn not only (this one); not just (...) but also, 陪 - péi - to accompany, 吃惊 - chī jīng - to be shocked, amazed, 竟然 - jìng rán - unexpectedly, 遇到 - yùdào - encounter, 需求 - xuqiu - requirement, demand, 积累 - jī lěi - accumulate, 重视 - zhòng shì - to attach importance to, 反对 - fǎn duì - opposition, to oppose, 意见 - yì jiàn - idea, opinion,

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