1) When you want to see a detail in a picture, you must _______________. a) entertain b) target c) focus d) generate 2) I don't understand how hunting animals can be ____________ to some people. a) generating b) promotion c) angle d) entertaining 3) When we skied for the first time, it was really a(n) ______________ experience! a) accurate b) buzz c) jolt d) thrilling 4) If you wish to ___________ your work, you should use the Internet, not the newspaper. a) promote b) generate c) angle d) target 5) The famous actress was chosen to _____________ the new perfume. a) pan b) dub c) advertise d) sequence 6) I always agree with this ______________, which is why I read if she likes a movie before I go to the cinema.  a) actor b) jolt c) screenplay d) critic 7) This video games company _________________ teenagers to sell their products. a) angles b) targets c) affords d) dubs 8) The school's decisions to close the cantine will ______________ problems to the students. a) generate b) advertise c) promote d) target 9) For this painting, the students were asked to draw from different _______________. a) momentum b) jolt c) critic d) angles. 10) I felt a _____________ when the plane started going up. a) jolt b) momentum c) target d) focus 11) There was a _______________ of activity in the classroom because the students were working in teams. a) momentum b) buzz c) sequence d) doubt 12) When my brother saw I had parked the car correctly, he gave ___________________.  a) a doubt b) focus c) two thumbs up d) a sequence 13) I __________ the virus will suddenly disappear next month. a) doubt b) focus c) afford d) dub 14) She has been ________________ a new flat for two months, but she still hasn't found anything she liked.  a) over b) for c) about d) after 15) The snowball gathered ___________ as it rolled down the hill. a) momentum b) dub c) jolt d) buzz 16) If the film company like her ________________ they will turn it into a film! a) dub b) jolt c) focus d) screenplay 17) If the thermometer is not _________________ it will show incorrect results. a) panned b) dubbed c) accurate d) thrilling 18) The camera ______________ over the shark before it attacked its victim. a) dubbed b) panned c) afforded d) promoted 19) The grammar book follows a logical _______________ from easy to more difficult material. a) doubt b) focus c) critic d) sequence


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