People have recognized the importance of plants in medicine for a long time . ____ have very specific uses , for example the seeds of garat are used to help heal burns , and the desert squash and the senna plant have been used in traditional medicine for years . ____ are still used regularly today by people who believe this type of medicine is safer and healthier than modern medicine . A popular remedy for toothache is ginger or clove . ____ will help for a short time , although a visit to the dentist is usually necessary if the pain is very bad . Henna and indigo are probably the most well - known - henna to decorate hands and feet , and indigo , traditionally used to color blue jeans . Both plants are found in hot countries as ____ will grow in cold conditions . Henna leaves can also be used to help headaches . ____ are wrapped in a cloth and put onto the forehead to ease the pain . Plants play an important role in our lives . ____ has a purpose and they must all be protected .

L.9-10 .. Plant life .. WB EX. 2


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