1) _______ play with the matches! a) Do b) Don't c) Should d) Shouldn't 2) Don't ________ the stove because you may get a burn. a) play b) climb c) touch d) run 3) ________ shouldn't he climb the tree? Because he may fall down the tree and break his leg. a) Why b) What c) Where d) When 4) Don't ________ the stairs because you may break your arm. a) play with b) run down c) fall off d) get up 5) Why shouldn't I play with the knife? Because you may cut __________. a) herself b) himself c) myself d) yourself 6) He has a toothache, he ________ go to the dentist. a) should b) shouldn't c) isn't d) doesn't 7) Don't ___________ your bike too fast! a) play b) touch c) run d) ride 8) Why shouldn't she play with the knife? ___________ she may cut herself. a) Because b) Yes c) No d) Or 9) Don't climb the tree because you may ________ your leg. a) run b) break c) get d) fall 10) He shouldn't climb the tree because he may fall ________ the tree and break his arm. a) in b) with c) of d) off 11) My grandfather has a backache. He shouldn't ___________. a) eat a lot of sweets b) watch more TV c) carry heavy things d) do morning exercise regularly 12) She has a pain in her head. She has a ___________. a) headache b) backache c) stomach ache d) earache 13) What's the __________ with him? He has an earache. a) sports b) colours c) matter d) things 14) Don't play with __________! Because it may scratch you. a) the stove b) the matches c) the stairs d) the cat 15) He _________ a fever. a) have b) having c) had d) has

Don't ride your bike too fast!


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