True: In Canada it's winter from December to February., It's cold and it snows in the winter., Many people in Canada go skiing in the winter., In Australia it's summer from December to February., It's hot and sunny during summer., Sometimes it's very windy in the summer and people go windsurfing., Thailand has three seasons., The weather in Thailand is always warm., People wear hats, coats, gloves and scarves during winter., They go sailing in the cool and hot seasons., False: In Canada it's winter from January to February., It's cold and it snows in the summer., Many people in Canada go swimming in the winter., In Australia it's summer from December to May., It's hot and sunny during winter., Sometimes it's very windy in the summer and people go skiing., Thailand has five seasons., The weather in Thailand is always cold., People wear hats, coats, gloves and scarves during summer., They go sailing in the winter.,
Seasons Around the World - Get Smart Plus 3 Page 38
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