Are you a traveler or a homebody?, Are you a cat or a dog person?, What languages do you know?, What is your favourite food?, Do you play any musical instrument?, Do you like sport? What?, Are you a morning person or a night owl?, Do you have any fears?, Do you have any hobbies?, What is your favourite drink?, What is your favourite holiday? Why?, What is your dream job?, Do you have any pets?, What do you like to do in your free time?, What kind of music do you like?, What is your favourite place in the city?, Do you like board games?, What is one country you would like to visit?, What is your favourite snack?, Describe your friend in 3 adjectives?, Describe yourself in 3 adjectives., What is one super power you wish you had?, What is your favourite season? Why? , What is your favourite YouTube channel?, What do you like talking about?, What lies on your table?.



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