1) I don't like dramas. I think they are ... a) boring b) exciting c) frightening d) interesting 2) My favorite ... in the Avengers is Ironman. a) actor b) character c) film d) director 3) A: ... ? B:It is about a robot who wants to be a real boy. a) What kind of film is it b) Who is the main character c) What is the movie about d) Do you like sci-fi films 4) 'Up' is my sister's favourite ... movie. a) drama b) sci-fi c) horror d) animation 5) I don't watch ... films. They are frightening. a) horror b) documentary c) adventure d) comedy 6) Let's watch the ... on BBC. We can learn a lot of things. a) cartoon b) documentary c) adventure d) musical 7) My favorite ... character is Lazy Smurf. He's so funny. a) sci-fi b) drama c) cartoon d) super hero 8) What time is 'Smallville' on? a) On CBS. b) After Supernatural. c) Tomorrow d) At eight o'clock. 9) A: Who are the ... in the film? B: Neo and Trinity. a) main characters b) actors c) directors d) agents 10) What kind of a film is 'Fast and Furious'? a) Cartoon b) Action c) Drama d) Musical 11) 'the Lion King' is one of the best ... movies. a) horror b) musical c) animation d) documentary 12) My brother loves 'Pirates of the Caribbean'. He thinks it's ... and ... . a) informative / boring b) frightening / sad c) boring / interesting d) funny / exciting 13) What kind of a film is 'Dumb and Dumber'? a) Comedy b) Sci-fi c) Horror d) War 14) Elsa is my favourite ... in 'Frozen'. a) actress b) character c) fairy d) people 15) What kind of film is 'the Lord of the Rings'? a) Comedy b) Sci-fi c) Fantasy d) Drama 16) I think actions films are ... I love all of them! a) boring b) frightening c) sad d) exciting 17) A: Do you like comedies? B: Yes, I think they are ... a) entertaining b) boring c) sad d) frightening 18) I love adventure films. I think they are ... a) sad b) exciting c) funny d) boring 19) I'm bored. ... go to the cinema. a) What about b) Don't c) Let's d) Shall we 20) I ... this film. I think it is terrible! a) love b) don't hate c) like d) don't like 21) Do you want to watch 'Planes'? It's a/an ... a) animation comedy b) science fiction c) adventure horror d) history crime 22) The main character in the film is Winnie the Pooh. He is very ... a) rude b) friendly c) absurd d) terrible 23) 'Monsters University' is very ... a) scary b) bored c) funny d) action 24) What's your favorite movie? a) Elsa b) Bugs Bunny c) Papa Smurf d) Ice Age 25) When is the movie on? a) Next Friday b) At 8 o'clock. c) Movie Theatre d) On TV 26) 'School of Rock' is ... a man who wants to be rock star. He poses as a teacher at a prep school. a) on b) about c) type d) in 27) ... in 'Zootopia' are Nick Wilde and Judy Hopps. a) The actresses b) It's about c) Main characters d) It's on 28) The film was very ... I changed the channel in the middle of it. a) exciting b) scary c) enjoyable d) boring 29) Are you bored. ... watching TV? a) What about b) Let's c) Would you like to d) Shall we 30) A: Let's watch a horror film. B: No, ... a) that's a good idea b) I don't like it c) I like it d) It sounds great 31) ... to watch 'Kung Fu Panda'? a) What about b) Let's c) Would you like d) Shall we 32) ... of film is 'Avengers Endgame'? a) What time b) When c) What about d) What kind 33) My favourite film is 'Mrs. Doubtfire'. It is ... a) funny and enjoyable b) sad and exciting c) interesting and short d) amusing and scary 34) The queen in the movie is ... I don't like her! a) friendly b) evil c) helpful d) good-hearted 35) 'Harry Potter' is a/an ... movie. a) horror b) animation c) fantasy d) comedy 36) My mother loves watching ... Her favourite is 'Titanic' a) war b) comedy c) musical d) romance 37) Papa Smurf is ... and ... He is the best! a) wise / brave b) lazy / clever c) coward / ugly d) evil / helpful 38) I don't like ... films. They are boring. a) musical b) war c) sci-fi d) cartoon 39) Shrek is ... but Fiona is very ... a) tall / ugly b) coward / short c) fat / beautiful d) brave / evil 40) Vin Diesel is ... a) short b) evil c) beautiful d) bald

5th Grade - Unit 6 - Movies


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