TRUE: Half of new STIs happen to people under the age of 25, You can get an STI via oral and/or anal sex, Many people with STIs have no symptoms, One in two individuals will contract an STI, STIs say nothing about who you are as a person, You can get pregnant while you have your period, 13% of the world population has Herpes-2 and 67% has Herpes-1, STIs can cause blindness, deafness and even insanity, Gonorrhoea is caused by a bacteria, FALSE: STIs are only present if I have symptoms, It will be obvious if my partner has a STI, I have been successfully treated for an STI in the past so I am immune to it now, Oral sex is safe, I should only get tested if my doctor recommends it, Two condoms are better than one, All birth control methods prevent STIs, Douching or urinating after sex prevents pregnancy, A female cannot get pregnant the first time she has sex,

STI Myths


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