1) Abusing an opponent in a game to put them off 2) Using hacks when playing against another player 3) A player accepting a trade for something that they got for free 4) Putting pressure on a friend to stay up late to play games 5) Starting a game when you know one friend can’t play now 6) Publicly challenging a person with highly controversial views 7) Mocking noobs 8) Flirting with other players on a game 9) Playing games with extreme violence 10) Swearing at an opponent in a game 11) Pretending to sexually assault another person’s character in a game 12) Posting comments anonymously on a friends YouTube channel 13) Going on a streamer’s live chat to say you prefer their rival’s stream 14) A player not changing their behaviour around younger players 15) Spending real money on in-game items that give you an advantage 16) over other players 17) Blocking a friend because they beat you in a game and won’t stop gloating 18) Switching to a different server/game because other people are being toxic 19) Quitting a game because you don’t like the players you’ve been paired with 20) Privately telling a friend they need to practice before they can join again

Moral Compass



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