1) Jos olisin tiennyt... a) if I would have known b) if I had known c) if I knew 2) Sinä olisit voittanut a) You would have won b) You would have win c) You had won d) You would win 3) Me olisimme olleet iloisia a) We would have had happy b) We would be happy c) We would have been happy d) We would have was happy 4) You could have said something a) Olisit sanonut jotakin b) Olisit voinut sanoa jotakin c) Sinun olisi pitänyt sanoa jotakin 5) Teidän olisi pitänyt opiskella a) You should study b) You should have studied c) You would have studied 6) Jos meillä olisi ollut aikaa a) if we had time b) if we would have had time c) if we had had time




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