If you had to move to another country because of your job (or your partner's job), what would you miss the most?, What are the positive/negative effects of social networks nowadays?, Where do we most often find fake news? What examples of fake news can you think of?, What is a good job?, If you had a free day every week and could use your day to learn something new, what would it be and why?, What would you change about yourself?Is there a place you would never visit again?, If you could be another person for one day, who would you choose to be?, Under which circumstances would you walk out a restaurant?, If you could live without sleeping, how would you spend your nights?, What is the first thing you notice about a person?, Charity: Do you think it is better to give time or money?, Does motivation come from inside a person or from their environment? Explain why you think so., Do you believe there is other life in the universe? How about intelligent life?, If you could change ONE thing in the world, what would it be?, What are some of the advantages of books vs. movies? How about the disadvantages of books vs. movies?, What is the grossest thing you have seen someone do?, Why is art so expensive? Do you think it should be more, or less, expensive?, How do you think you will change in the future?, Would you want to have a clone of yourself?, What are some famous real conspiracies or cover ups? Do you think that newspapers sometimes cover up events?, Are you a suspicious or trusting person?, Talk about the first computer you ever used., What's the weirdest thing you've ever eatten?, What are some of the advantages of cooking your meals at home? How about the disadvantages?, If you were in a position of power, do you think you would be corrupt?, Learning English: What do you use to improve your listening ability?, What are some problems with corruption in the political system of your country?, Have you ever seen a crime? (Don’t talk about it if it’s too upsetting for you.), What are some things you do to blend in?, Is shoplifting common in your country?, If you became president of your country, what would be your top three priorities?, What was the worst/best date that you have ever been on?, Do you think dreams have meanings?, How much empathy do you feel towards other people?, What is the most profitable type of business to open in your country?, What is the best decision you ever made? Why are you confident that you made the right choice?, Supposing you received $1000 that you must spend frivolously. How would you use the money?, Would you risk your life to save another person?, How often do you lie? When is it okay to lie?, What are the 5 most important decisions in a person's life?, What values will you pass on to your children?, Should poor people be punished for stealing if they are stealing to feed their family?, What is your biggest stroke of luck?, What achievement are you most proud of?, What if the best / the worst piece of advice you ever received?, What initiative would you never take again?, What are some of the most serious environmental problems?, Do you like to meet new people or do you prefer to hang out with people you already know?, What would you do if you lost everything?, How often do you watch television? What would be your ideal TV show? .
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