1) You like snowboarding, a) don't you? b) doesn't you? c) do you? d) does you? 2) He goes to school, a) don't he? b) doesn't he? c) do he? d) does he? 3) You don't play the piano, a) don't you? b) doesn't you? c) do you? 4) You play tennis, a) don't you? b) doesn't you? c) do you? 5) You are tired, a) are you? b) aren't you? c) do you? 6) He is sick, a) do he? b) does he? c) is he? d) isn't he? 7) She isn't tired, a) does she? b) do she? c) is she? d) isn't she? 8) Yesterday he played tennis, a) doesn't he? b) don't he? c) didn't he? 9) Yesterday he didn't go to school, a) does he? b) do he? c) did he? 10) I am a good student, a) am not I? b) aren't I? c) am I? d) don't I? 11) Tomorrow you will go to school, a) won't you? b) will you? c) don't you? 12) He's played football, a) hasn't he? b) has he? c) isn't he? 13) Tomorrow we won't go to school, a) won't we? b) will we? c) don't we?

PIT2 - U8.3 - Tag Questions



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