1) Do you fancy ... for a walk? a) to go b) going 2) I wish you would all quit ... a) complaining. b) to complain. 3) Carry on ... what you are good at, everything will be great! a) doing b) to do 4) They hate each other and they avoid ... a) meeting. b) to meet. 5) Let's order a pizza, I don't feel like ...  a) to cook. b) cooking. 6) I can't look forward to ... with you!  a) meeting b) meet 7) Alice suggested ... her hometown at Christmas. a) to visit b) visiting 8) I must admit ... lots of rude words. I'm sorry! a) saying b) to say 9) We often make decisions that involve ... risks. a) taking b) to take 10) He mentioned ... problems, but he didn't explain. a) having b) to have 11) He decided ... travelling until July. a) to delay b) delaying 12) I consider ... out today is a bad idea. a) going b) to go 13) We are here to discuss ... crime. a) to prevent b) preventing 14) He volunteered ... us. a) to help b) helping 15) He managed ... in time. a) to get b) getting 16) Many workers said they couldn't tolerate ... long hours. a) working b) to work 17) They had to postpone ... a family for a while. a) having b) to have 18) You deserve ... this prize. a) winning b) to win


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