1) Frida Kahlo is from a) España b) Venezuela c) Mexico 2) She was born at a) La casa azul b) La casa rosada c) La casa amarilla 3) Frida painted a) Hombres b) Autorretratos c) Agua 4) Frida became a PINTORA and also a  a) Doctora b) Piloto c) Maestra 5) When Frida was SEIS years old she got sick with a) Polio b) Cancer c) Asma 6) Frida married the ARTISTA named a) Pablo Picasso b) Diego Rivera c) Vincent Van Gogh 7) Frida lived in Mexico but also in a) Nueva York, San Francisco y Detroit b) Colombia y Peru c) Nueva York, Detroit y Venezuela

Frida Kahlo


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