1) A hotel is a place ... people stay when they're on holidays. a) who b) which c) where 2) She was the one ... had to go and talk to his parents about the accident. a) who b) which c) where 3) A dictionary is a book ... gives definitions of words. a) who b) which c) where 4) White rhino is an animal ... is endangered by illegal hunters.  a) who b) which c) where 5) A doctor is a profession ... requires a lot of knowledge and reasoning.  a) who b) which c) where 6) The restaurant ... we visited yesterday is my favorite. a) who b) which c) where 7) This is the town ... I grew up and had the best time of my life. a) who b) which c) where 8) It was a doctor ... operated on me five years ago. a) who b) which c) where 9) It' a bookshop ... sells secondhand books. a) who b) which c) where 10) 'Cash and carry' is a shop ... they sell products in large quantities.  a) who b) which c) where 11) They are the staff ... are responsible for that work.  a) who b) which c) where 12) This type of love is observed in long-term marriages ... passion is no longer present. a) who b) which c) where 13) Lassie was my childhood dog ... I loved with all my heart.  a) who b) which c) where

3C: 'who', 'which', 'where' in compound sentences



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