True: A clever person can solve a puzzle easily. , If I break my brother’s bike, he will be angry. , It is easy to hide in a dark place., Heavy things will go down to the bottom of the ocean., It is cruel to keep a dog in a small cage all day., It is a good idea to arrive early for class., Some people are afraid of spiders., A moment is like a second or two., Small animals do not usually attack big animals., You can use a gun to hunt in the forest., False: When a plane arrives, it leaves the ground and goes into the sky., At noon, the sun is near the bottom of the sky., Many kinds of fish are afraid of water., At night, your parents may say, “Hide your eyes and go to sleep.”, Your mother will be angry when you get good grades in school., Animals cannot hunt because they do not have hands., People sometimes attack pictures to email messages., New shoes are usually not very comfortable or clever., There are twelve moments in a year., A cruel person will try to help others at all times.,


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