1) How old are you? a) My name is Khaled. b) I am 9 years old. c) From Makkah d) I am fine. 2) a triangle a) b) c) d) 3) What is this shape? a) circle b) square c) diamond d) star 4) What is this ? It is a ..................... a) It is a hat. b) It is a pen. c) It is a fish. d) It is a jet. 5) I have (...................) pens a) one b) two c) three d) four 6) yes, I like pizza. a) What is your name? b) how are you? c) Where are you from? d) Do you like pizza? 7) This is .......... a) a book b) a pen c) a pencil d) a house e) I 8) It is a cow a) صح b) خطأ 9) How are you? a) I am fine. b) I am 9 years old. c) My name is Fahad 10) How many apples in the picture? a) four b) five c) six d) seven 11) Do you like English? a) Yes, I am b) No,I am not 12) It is a diamond. a) صح b) خطأ 13) This is a .............. a) orange b) rice c) soup d) salad 14) What color ............ it? a) is b) are c) was d) were 15) I like........... . a) soup b) kabsa c) Salad d) orange 16) C....llphone a) e b) a c) i d) o 17) Ro.....ot a) t b) b c) m d) d 18) iwi.... a) k b) g c) f d) s 19) Fis.... a) o b) s c) h d) r 20) We ............nine years old. a) is b) are c) was d) were 21) ............... they yellow? a) Is b) Are c) Was d) Were 22) ......... is a pen a) his b) This c) He d) She 23) ...... is my book. a) He b) Was c) That d) Them 24) They ......... students. a) is b) are c) was d) were 25) She ............ a student a) is b) are c) was d) were 26) Do you like Salad? No,................. a) I like salad. b) I don't like salad. c) I like it. d) I like. 27) This is a ................ a) cookie b) pizza c) Salad d) Kabsa 28) This is a cookie. a) b) c) d) 29) It is a ............. a) pen b) orange c) apple 30) It is an .................. a) egg b) book c) boot d) coffee 31) This is Fahad. .......... is 8 years old. a) He b) She c) It d) You 32) Ahmed and Ali are students. ........... are friends a) He b) She c) They d) You 33) How many cars do you have? a) one b) three c) five d) seven 34) It is ....... orange? a) a b) an c) i d) o 35) It is .......... apple a) a b) an c) i d) o 36) Green a) b) c) d) 37) Duck a) b) c) d)


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