1) Jim has got a dog. a) he b) she c) it d) we e) you f) they 2) The dog is black. a) he b) she c) it d) we e) you f) they 3) I and Jill can run and jump. a) he b) she c) it d) we e) you f) they 4) I can see a bike.  a) he b) she c) it d) we e) you f) they 5) Mum can't swim. a) he b) she c) it d) we e) you f) they 6) Bob and Will are merry and smart. a) he b) she c) it d) we e) you f) they 7) Pam can play tennis. a) he b) she c) it d) we e) you f) they 8) Natalie is a teacher.  a) he b) she c) it d) we e) you f) they 9) Natalie and Winnie are friends. a) he b) she c) it d) we e) you f) they 10) Rabbit Martin is grey. a) he b) she c) it d) we e) you f) they

Enjoy E.2, U.3, Lesson 48 - Personal Pronouns


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