1) What is the Latin root for place? a) to b) loc c) loca d) locat 2) What is the Latin root for mark? a) sig b) sign c) signa d) si 3) What is the Latin root for born? a) na b) nat c) nati d) nativ 4) What is the Latin root for foot? a) pe b) ped c) pedi d) peda 5) What is the Latin root for know? a) reco b) cogn c) cog d) rec 6) What is a location? a) a position or place b) to disturb the original position or arrangement of something c) belonging to a particular area 7) What does it mean to dislocate something? a) a position or place b) to disturb the original position or arrangement of something c) belonging to a particular area 8) What does local mean? a) a position or place b) to disturb the original position or arrangement of something c) belonging to a particular area 9) What is a signature? a) a form of identification b) an action used to convey information c) important or remarkable 10) What is a signal? a) a form of identification b) an action used to convey information c) important or remarkable 11) What does significant mean? a) a form of identification b) an action used to convey information c) important or remarkable 12) What is a native? a) one who is born in a certain place b) a group of people born in the same country c) natural;  13) What is a nation? a) one who is born in a certain place b) a group of people born in the same country c) natural;  14) What does innate mean? a) one who is born in a certain place b) a group of people born in the same country c) natural; talents and skills one is born with 15) What does recognize mean? a) to identify something you know b) to hide so that one is not known c) able to be identified 16) What does incognito mean? a) to identify something you know b) to hide so that one is not known c) able to be identified 17) What is a pedestrian? a) one who walks b) one that walks on two feet c) foot-operated levers used to power a bicycle or vehicle 18) What is a biped? a) one who walks b) one that walks on two feet c) foot-operated levers used to power a bicycle or vehicle 19) What is a pedal? a) one who walks b) one that walks on two feet c) foot-operated levers used to power a bicycle or vehicle 20) Which Latin phrase means "I think, therefore I am" a) Cogito, ergo sum b) Cogito, erma som c) Cognito, summa erg d) Cog ergo sum 21) What does Cogito, ergo sum mean? a) I think, therefore I am b) I am, therefore I think c) I don't think, therefore I can't d) I can, therefore I am

Greek/Latin Roots Unit 2


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